About me

About (Who am i?)

Hello, I am Adriana Méndez-Snowden. The Universe granted me a few years ago the miracle of understanding my life purpose, which is helping other women to raise their consciousness. Since then, I am committed to sowing spiritual seeds such as acceptance, surrendering, responsibility, commitment, love, forgiveness and deep gratitude so that they can manifest, as I do, all the miracles they desire in their lives.

This Miracle Mindset has not only allowed me to overcome addictions, losses, and heal emotional wounds but it has also taught me to miraculously transcend pain, to experience a conscious happiness and inner peace that I have longed for since childhood. Now I want to share it with you. I made the decision of fulfilling my purpose and mission through giving conferences around the world, writing books, and being the creator and mentor of the Miracle Mindset™ Programme, a methodology that guides women who are stuck in an undeserving, self-sabotaging, victim mindset that unconsciously undermines success and happiness in different areas of their lives.


I am proudly Mexican, living in England for some years now with my little family. I love being a mum, travelling, reading, dancing, eating, laughing, and making tortillas.


Author of “Happiness Through Resilience”, “Mujer Onírica, antes y después”, and “My Miracle Journal”, and Co-author of “Today Inspired Latina”, volume VI, European Edition.


As a speaker, I have taken part in the Seminario Hispanas Emprendedoras 2017 in Amsterdam, Steel Minds in Liverpool 2017, Mujeres Empresarias Canaco Puerto Vallarta 2018, Emigrar Y Emprender es Posible 2018 in Barcelona, Belgium in 2019 as well as local events. I am a volunteer in LOANI (global non-profit organisation) representing Mexico.


I am a certified Ontological Coach, Mindfulness practitioner , Level 1 of the Points of You Coaching tool, and an eternal student of philosophy, metaphysics and everything that contributes to my spiritual growth.